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Oil filtration advice

“Filtering and cooling the cutting oil... what does it bring? » 

To be able to choose the right filtration system whole oil you must first be interested in the work carried out.


Working with carbide and/or steel generates waste.

These wastes present in the oil must be filtered to:

  • Respect the watering process itself which should promote the elimination of chips, lubricate the grinding point of contact and cool the cut. 

  • Reduce wear on the mechanical elements of the machine: ball screws, linear guides, grinding wheel holder seats, headstock cone, collets, tool holders, tailstock, etc.

  • Increase the lifespan of the oil used

  • Improve the surface condition of tools

  • Reduce wear on grinding wheels.

  • Very significantly reduce cleaning and maintenance times

  • Offer operators “clean” machines that spontaneously take better care of.

  • Finally, and this is certainly one of the most important points, guaranteeing the health of users because dirty oil can trigger serious pathologies.

  • How can we imagine that the sharpening/cutting result could be satisfactory with an oil loaded with particles?

  • How can we imagine that dirty oil has no influence on the health of operators?

The shape, size and volume of waste are not identicalout 

  • Steel and carbide produce waste that is different in size and shape.

  • The work process itself and in particular the type of work (roughing, or finishing), the type of oil, and the grinding wheels used, influence the production of waste and its types (powder, filaments, size from a few microns to several hundred of microns,

  • The volume of waste that will be produced must be calculated.

  • The type of filtration must be adapted to the application.

Filtration MUST be studied and dimensioned for each case.

  • The filtration rate must be at least equal to the watering rate

  • The oil compatible with the type of filtration

  • The filtering surface in line with the flow rate and the volume of waste to be filtered

  • The type of filtration must take into account ecological and waste reprocessing data

  • The flow rate and pressure of the pumps chosen in correlation with the work to be done

  • The temperature stabilization group (fridge) calculated according to the thermal variation of the irrigation fluid in working conditions, the building, the necessary temperature precision (+/-1°, +/-0.5°)

  • Filtration is a matter for specialists.

Below are the different filtration systems commonly used in sharpening workshops and tool manufacturers.


Our opinion : 

The additive filters (filtration quality of the order of 2-3 microns nominal) can be used with all types of oil viscosities, all flow rates and up to high volumes of waste.The filter with adjuvants is also the only one that responds to mixed materials (HSS and carbide).Sludge recycling is possible.

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